
Steven Sprague ssprague at
Mon Mar 17 10:38:08 EST 2003

    You're right, my memory is kinda clouded from those years.  I read
your previous post and thought that I was off the mark a little.
    Thanks for the correction.

    I'd like to see a picture of that cup holder in your car.  The
center console holder has a lot to be desired.


JordanVw at wrote:

> In a message dated 3/17/03 12:29:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> ssprague at writes:
>> I bought a folding cup holder from the VW/Audi Dealer for my Rabbit
>> and A2 Jetta some years ago (around 1993) that was for the 90-94
>> Passats.  It was a retro upgrade for the cars.  The only thing, was
>> it
>> had to mount off the console and a hole has to be drilled in it.  If
>> you
>> don't mind the drilling, this might be a way to go.  The cost wasn't
>> much for factory parts.  Sorry, don't have part #'s.
> you mean '95-'97 (B4) passat.   same one i have in my type44.
> email for pix
> chris

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