Idle drop on 4kq

David duandcc_forums at
Tue Mar 18 08:47:16 EST 2003

ISV? When was the last time it was cleaned?

1987 CGT Special Build
SE Virginia

> From: "Roa, Greg" <Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM>
> Date: 2003/03/17 Mon PM 12:33:20 EST
> To: <quattro at>
> Subject: Idle drop on 4kq
> Hello All,
> I've got a question.  I adjusted the idle on my 4kq a week or two ago, by cranking down the screw on the side of the throttle body.  Idle is great now, and the car runs very smooth.
> Problem that I have, is that on occasion the idle will drop down to 300-500 rpm when I let go of the throttle, and push in the clutch.  Most of the time it is fine, but every once in a while this will happen.  It gets low enough that the instrument cluster lights up.
> Anyone have any idea what might cause this?
> Car is a 86' 4kcsq.
> Thanks!
> Greg Roa
> Cincinnati, OH
> 86' 4kcsq
> 93' 90 CS
> 83' 944

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