Lucas Oil - in noisy transmission?

George Harris harchris at
Tue Mar 18 11:37:49 EST 2003

I am surprised there is no ;-) emoticon in your final statement since
many people on various lists feel that Redline is also just more snake
oil :-)


R Mangas wrote:
>  While what you say is indeed valid I have spent enough time reading
> that forum to know that the authors are familiar with what constitutes
> valid testing and what does not.  This same phenomenon is visible in the
> Lucas eggbeater demo at a FLAPS near you- you get climbing, and
> frothing, almost immediately.
>   Glad the products worked for you; in Dobby's shoes I'd use a respected
> lubricant of known quality: Redline.
>  Regards,
> Robert
>> From: George Harris <harchris at>
>> To: R Mangas <porter_dog at>, quattro at
>> Subject: Re: Lucas Oil - in noisy transmission?
>> Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 11:14:02 -0500
>> The internet is a very powerful and helpful tool as everyone who has
>> used this list to track down a problem knows. But at the same time
>> anyone can start up their own WEB site, do a few 'studies' and publish
>> them.
>> Is this site recognized by any official testing agency? Were there any
>> witnesses to the claims made? Do the photos tell the whole story? For
>> example even though the full synthetic didn't appear to be climbing
>> the gears, does that mean that they weren't coated and fully
>> protected? Can we be sure that the lighter colour was air entrapped in
>> the oil, or is it possible that the synthetic oil has simply changed
>> colour due to the addition of Lucas?
>> I have no connection with Lucas, but many people speak highly of their
>> products. I have used the Injection cleaner and their various products
>> to renew worn seals in the engine, transmission and power steering.
>> They appear to work for me, but like 'BOBISTHEOILGUY' I did not use
>> rigorous scientific methods either :-)
>> Regards
>> George
>> R Mangas wrote:
>>> Never used it but there's an interesting evaluation in this thread:
>>>   Click on 'THE STORY ON ADDITIVES' link- the lucas seems to promote air
>>> entrainment.
>>>> From: rizov_d at
>>>> To: quattro at
>>>> Subject: Lucas Oil - in noisy transmission?
>>>> Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 07:53:38 -0700
>>>> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
>>>> Has anybody used Lucas Oil products?
>>>> ([1])
>>>> The Oil Stabilizer is of interest for me. I have slightly noisy
>>>> transmission
>>>> and I'm wondering if the oil stabilizer or any other stuff could
>>>> make it
>>>> quieter. On the other hand this stuff is pretty heavy and what is
>>>> going to
>>>> be
>>>> the performance under low temperatures?
>>>> What is the importance of using GL 4- is it mandatory (for
>>>> additives) for
>>>> the
>>>> bronze synchros ?
>>>> Or because in mid ‘80 there was no GL 5 to be specified in owner’s
>>>> manual?
>>>> Dobby
>>>> 86 4kq
>>>> ===References:===
>>>>   1.
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