4kq on ebay- a youngster!

Benjamin Kaupp bkaupp at ugconnection.com
Tue Mar 18 12:12:50 EST 2003

I understand his plight. Having only eighteen years under my belt, I
know that it is tough to be so far in front of people on the twisties
that they can't see how cool your car is. I used to have a BMW that
could do spectacular burnouts (150 hp in a 1970 2002!) but then I saw
the light (I think it was a pair of brake lights, actually) and sold
the wreckage to buy something that I could actually drive well. When
that didn't work out, I realized that it could at least cover for my
stupidity with AWD. But a H*NDA!?!
C'mon... It doesn't even have power to the rear wheels! What are you
gonna do with that?

-Ben Kaupp
'87 4kcsq (from a Land Rover to a BMW to a BMW to an Audi... I'm a
yuppie and I know it)

On Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 11:46  AM, Per Lindgren wrote:

> /Quote:
> but im only 20 and i want a bmw im sure i will get stuck with a hunda
> but ohwell .
> /End quote
> He surely hasnt seen the light... Too bad.
> PerL
> 87 Cq

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