Autobahn Blue anti-freeze needs a replacement

Bob Rossato bob.rossato at
Wed Mar 19 07:04:23 EST 2003

> $18/bottle?!?  Holy cow.
> Get it from someone like Scott (  I think I
> paid about $7/bottle(not including shipping- I was getting a slew of
> other parts at the same time.)
> Brett

I've seen prices of anywhere from $7 to $9 per bottle, but that is for a
1.5L bottle of the Pentosin.  The $18 dealer price is for a gallon.  So it
seems the dealer is just as cheap or cheaper than most other sources that I
have seen.  However, I did find this place during my search
( that has the VW Autobahn ZVW 237
105 antifreeze for $11/gallon.  Don't know how up to date the site is.
Anybody dealt with E.T.Y Parts?  They're in LA.


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