Auto Insurance does NOT cover contents - OFF TOPIC

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sat Mar 22 13:42:16 EST 2003

At 09:03 AM 03/22/2003 -0500, Fay     ^. .^  ~ wrote:

>Since my husband is reluctant to take the time to deal with the problem
>with my car, (who knows when he will make the time), after reading
>everyone's responses about the smell of gasoline, I am extremely worried!
>I called our car insurance this morning, I have just comprehensive, to
>find out if *contents* are covered by fire.
>Of course they are NOT.
>So I do not have renters/home owners insurance and I had better get some
>today !
>I am  afraid to take all the time needed to do proper research for this
>type of insurance and would be very greatful for any suggestions as to
>which company might have served you well in this regard.

As a landlord, I suggest to renters that they obtain coverage of their own
contents (which should extend to valuables left in a vehicle, I'd think) as
well as liability for the dwelling.  I learned long ago when a renter's
electric blanket came real close to burning down one of my buildings that
my own insurance protects me, but my insurance company is going to go after
the renter to recover whatever it costs to take care of me.  I just tell
them to call a few of the home owner insurers in the yellow pages to get
estimates of the premium involved.

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