Gasoline Smell Update . . .

Helge Wunderlich audihelge at
Mon Mar 24 17:56:30 EST 2003

On Sat, 22 Mar 2003 21:19:08 -0500, Fay     ^. .^  ~ wrote:
>We ran the car level, off, and with the rear wheels both up on jack stands, AND each wheel up.
>He claims that the gasoline tank looks brand new and he cannot see anything in the lines.

I seem to remember reading that the fuel line tends to corrode inside
the mounting clips. Impossible to see until you remove the line from
the clip.

Gas evaporates extremely quickly, so it will be impossible to see a
leak unless it is huge.

>I imagine the last thing is to pull the gasoline tank out ?

Make absolutely sure the fuel line is OK first.

>There is NO sign of gasoline . . . just me and my friend can smell it.

As mentioned, gas is only visible if the leak is really big. The
smell, on the other hand, is (fortunately) very strong, and it only
takes tiny amounts before you can smell it.

>My husband cannot.

He's a smoker, then ? ;-)

Helge Wunderlich

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