Subframe R&R ( stubborn bushing)

Martin Pot paulnet at
Tue Mar 25 21:35:20 EST 2003

The guy operating the press did have some really good lube, and I thought
that this surely would be sufficient, but it was not silicone spray.
One other thing I wondered about, is that he used a ring that fit the exact
diameter of the metal protruding flange of the bushing, would that be the
ideal place to press or should there also be pressure on top of the rubber
where it is more straight down the sidewall of the bushing?
Now the bushing looks slightly deformed, like slanted. I have more spare
bushings on hand, don't worry.
I just really need some help and instructions like, "pressing bushings for
I have been to a tractor place, a machine shop and a automotive machine shop
and the first 2 were afraid and the last one tried but failed.
Bentley is of very little help with this one.

Thanks, Martin

> >What is the trick?
> Silicone Spray.
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