5k brakes & ISV

ben swann benswann at comcast.net
Wed Mar 26 10:31:39 EST 2003

Maybe I'm a bit sleepy/cranky today, but I see this as disseminating
bad information.  If the idle drops when you unplug the ISV, then the
ISV is working properly, and it is the ISV control (many inter-related
components) that is not functioning properly - think about it.

I have posted on this subject far too much, and so will defer original
poster to the archives.  Search on "high idle", "ISV" and "resolved".

This one for FAQ, wish I had more time..for now..Cheers!


p.s. cleaning the ISV with solvent has usually made things worse IME.


>On another topic, I have also an irratic idle, since the talk was
about the >isv, I swapped a spare one in, after spraying it with carb
cleaner and >drying. Now, I have a solid idle at 2000rpm. Disconnected
the harness and>still ran at 2000. I guess both isv's are toast huh?

That would be my verdict. Try unplugging the electrical connector to the
ISV. If that makes the idle drop to a level closer to normal, the ISV's
probably shot.

- At least that's the advice I was given from senior mechanic at my
localaudi/wv used parts store.


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