Replacing Trans and Rear diff oils?

Shawn Kubik skubik at
Thu Mar 27 18:38:04 EST 2003

Ok so what do I use in the tranny/diff, GL4 in trans, GL5 in diff?

How many quarts of each will I need?

Thanks in advance :)

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at] On
Behalf Of Brett Dikeman
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:26 PM
To: Shawn Kubik; quattro at
Subject: Re: Replacing Trans and Rear diff oils?

At 1:18 PM -0500 3/27/03, Shawn Kubik wrote:

>In my Honda to do the tranny I just pulled the lower drain plug, let it
>drain out, put the plug back in then put in 2.1 quarts in the upper bolt
>hole then replace bolt, similar with the audi?
>How about the rear diff, same type of situation?

Yes, except you need to make sure you can break the fill plug loose
before you do the drain :-)

FYI- stay away from MTL- when I was looking for opinions on tranny
fluids across the net, the universal sentiment seemed to be, after
looking at almost 50 pages of postings to forums, people's homepages,

-MTL: destroys trannies, often within a month or two.  LOTS of
stories about trannies going kaboom after MTL was put in.  No trashed
trannies found for any of the other oils.

-Amsoil: lower mileage makes it excellent for rear diffs; slower
syncro action makes it a poor choice for trannies.  Personal note: I
found Amsoil "dealers" to be a)lacking in product stock b)unreliable
c)annoying and pushy...and their website is full of market-sleaze,
like improperly drawn bar-graphs.

-Mobil1: moot in Audi/VW trannies, not compatible(GL5.  I don't think
they make M1 in GL4.)

-VW/Audi fluid: well liked, at least one race shop I know uses it in
their VW/Audi cars race and street

-Honda: excellent fluid(dunno what other cars it is compatible with however)

Hope this helps,

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