Turbo rebuild? - I think i broke a piston ring, what now? :-(

Jim Green jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 31 18:20:27 EST 2003

--- Britt Crowell <britt at fortcollins.com> wrote:
> I'll clarify some things. I know that the computer
> was a MAC10/11 in the
> car. When I fixed the burned wiring harness I
> couldn't get it to start and
> found that I had a bad driver in the computer for
> the fuel pump. I snagged
> the computer out of my 88. I know for sure its not a
> MC-2 engine. Not sure
> what chip was in the other one. It came with my 88
> that I still haven't
> replaced the slave cyl in yet. It also had the
> 1.7Bar spring in it. I got
> the 88 from Brad in Parker. (two turbos no limits!
> :-p )
> Ok the smoke! Its a lot of smoke! I mean a
> lot!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't want
> to be standing around this thing when its running,
> I'm sure my friend that
> helped me get it on the trailer has cancer from it
> now. Sat night the cop
> that gave us a ride to my friends house said he had
> no clue where I was, he
> just followed the smoke trail. I mean it was really
> huge!!!!!!!!! I can take
> a picture of it idling if it would help.
> It seems to crank just fine, and run well. The short
> distance I drove it sat
> night in to a parking lot I noticed no problems. Or
> yesterday driving it on
> to the trailer, such as total lack of power.
> I'll go pull the plugs . Ok plugs pulled, they
> looked ok you can see a pic
> here
> http://www.ecrowell.com/2003/2003-03-31_audi/
> and there is a pic of how much it smokes idling at
> about 2k rpm
> I'm really hoping a turbo RnR is going to be all I
> need.
> Let me know guys, This is such a great list and
> great help!

Any positive pressure at idle from the dipstick or any
type of orifice?  The exhaust doesn't count...  BTW
those plugs look might tasty.  I pray they look like
that when I pull 'em.

Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5

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