my engine went kaboom! no more car

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Thu May 1 16:13:28 EDT 2003

--- luke <maytagasm at> wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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> well... the other day my 90tq died a sad death.
> the engine started ticking, on top of the normal
> lifter ticks, really really loud.
> ie. (small ticks are lifter noise) tick tick tick
> tick tick tick TICK tick tick tick tick TICK
> at the same time these new loud ticks started the
> knock light came on at 2500-3000 rpm, the
> engine started to shake and lose power. i slowed
> down to check it and it then blew an oil line.
> the oil lines were earls adapters rated to 150psi i
> think...
> put the line back on, filled it with oil and
> nothing.
> it holds oil still so i dont think it dropped a
> cylinder.. maybe a bent valve?
> when i try to start it it goes WROOOOOO WROOO
> WROOOOO WROOO really slowly.
> it doesnt sound like its not getting fuel or air...
> its an internal problem im sure.
> im towing it tonight... it looks like i need a new
> engine.
> im looking at getting another kh if the price is
> right... or a really cheap mc.
> im looking at spending $200-500 canadian in the
> toronto - ottawa region.
> (im in belleville, near kingston and will drive 2-3
> hours)
> if anyone knows what happened by that description,
> or has any ideas id appreciate it...

Damn, that really sucks.  Congrats on destroying an
I-5, maybe you can figure out a way to hang it on the

So did the ticking sound like really pissed off
lifters or a hammering sound like a bad bearing?  I
wounder if your oil pump grenaded, and caused
starvation and now everything is angry?  Did you see
the oil line blow, or do you think it could have been
the cause?  How's the compression?

Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5

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