Power for the radio in 5Ks

Tom Christiansen tomchr at ee.washington.edu
Sat May 3 18:18:09 EDT 2003


>I am throwing in a radio into the wagon and it has 2 power connections, the
>first is constant 12v and the other is labelled ACC or switched 12v. The
>red/blue on the 4wire connector is providing the constant 12v. Where do I
>find the switched 12?

You can find permanent +12V at the cigaret lighter. Switched 12V is
available from the defroster switch (or any other accessory that turns on
when the ignition is on). Voltage for the dimmer signal (if your radio has
one) can be taken from one of the many small instrument bulbs scattered
across the instrument panel. The one illuminating the ashtray or the cig
lighter would be a good spot to steal the dimmer voltage.

Check all connections with a voltmeter BEFORE hooking them up to the radio.
Check for voltage (12V) and polarity.


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