LAC crankwalk prevention, clutch-out starting

Brady Moffatt bradym at
Mon May 5 20:02:06 EDT 2003

Hi Ken/All,

I never clutch in when starting. It doesn't make sense to me to have
unnecessary metal-metal contact (crank on thrust bearing) which is what you
cause if you do clutch in.

AAMOF, yesterday I was sitting in a Civic trying to start it. I was prepared
to pronounce the solenoid or battery dead when I realized I probably had to
depress the clutch to start it!

Why can't manufacturers use neutral switches instead of clutch pedal
switches? Or, even better, have both switches present, and require that at
least one of them be tripped in order to start the car.

MAC: Only once did I wish there had been a clutch switch on my 4kq. I lent
it to a friend, who had been driving a slushbox for a few years. She started
it right into the car parked in front of mine. No damage, except to her ego.

Brady Moffatt
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
83 UrQuattro with 51,000 miles
86 4ksq with 310,000km
86 4ksq parts car
72 Datsun 240Z with 180,000 miles
92 VW Golf with 200,000km FOR SALE
in middle stages of quattrosis accumulatus

----- Original Message -----
From: <auditude at>


Since starters are easier to replace than thrust bearings, my car doesn't
have a starting problem this way, and it's kinda cool, I'm leaning towards
clutch-out starting as a policy.  I think I tend to put the clutch in
normally tho'.

The post I read was here:


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