pressing in A/C clutch bearing-howto?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue May 6 15:13:50 EDT 2003

At 01:49 PM 05/06/2003 -0400, Konstantin Bogach wrote:
>It has very thin wall - no provision for grinding.
>Kneale Brownson wrote:
> > I've always understood you press on the race that has the binding
> > fit.  Sounds like that's the outer in your example.  I'd think that the old
> > outer would come back out relatively easily after being pushed only
> > partially in when used to drive in the new bearing.  Maybe you could grind
> > it slightly on the OD to be more certain it'll come back out???
> >
> > At 11:49 AM 05/06/2003 -0400, Konstantin Bogach wrote:
> > >I am going to press in new bearing and the quesiton is where to apply
> > >pressure - inner or outer race.

I was thinking more of a couple swipes with a file all the way around and
then polishing with crocus cloth of something similar.  Didn't really mean
take a grinder to it  :~)

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