pressing in A/C clutch bearing-howto?

SJ syljay at
Tue May 6 15:54:25 EDT 2003

Why not just cut thru one side wall of the used outer race using a hacksaw.
Now you have something that looks like a C clip. That should be easy to
extract after pressing in the bearing.

85 Dodge PU, D-250, 318, auto
85 4k - - sold but still on the road
88 5kq
90 100q

> Message: 12
> Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 13:49:24 -0400
> From: Konstantin Bogach <konstantin.bogach at>
> To: Kneale Brownson <knotnook at>
> Cc: quattro at
> Subject: Re: pressing in A/C clutch bearing-howto?
> It has very thin wall - no provision for grinding.
> Konstantin.
> Kneale Brownson wrote:
> > I've always understood you press on the race that has the binding
> > fit.  Sounds like that's the outer in your example.  I'd think that the
> > outer would come back out relatively easily after being pushed only
> > partially in when used to drive in the new bearing.  Maybe you could
> > it slightly on the OD to be more certain it'll come back out???
> >
> > At 11:49 AM 05/06/2003 -0400, Konstantin Bogach wrote:
> > >I am going to press in new bearing and the quesiton is where to apply
> > >pressure - inner or outer race.  They are not in the same plane,  inner
> > >race in wider.  It is hard to find  metal bushing-driver I can use on
> > >the outer race - it should have very specific ID and OD.  I actulally
> > >destroyed old bearing and was going to use outer race as driving
> > >but... the bearing sits and inch below the clutch surface and if I
> > >the new bearing all the way down I will not be able to remove "driving
> > >tool".   It leaves me with only option to presson inner race.   I am
> > >afraid it will damage the bearing.  Or not?
> > >
> > >Thanks for you input.
> > >
> > >Konstantin.

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