New Scoobydoo STI

Sean Ford audi_99_a6q at
Tue May 6 14:50:27 EDT 2003

And how did you like the interior? The interior materials are the one thing
about that car that I just can't get past. It does handle and hike up it's
skirt, though.

--- Benjamin Weste Pearre <bwpearre at> wrote:
> > I went for a ride in a new Imprezza STI last night. To put it mildly,
> > I was impressed, even though it couldn't be revved over 5k.
> What transmission is in it?  The 5-speed in the WRX is made of glass -
> did the one you drove have something new?

Sean Ford
1999 A6q tiptronic | 1992 100CS 5-spd

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