scooby doo and evo too, oh and MMPs.....

Nate Stuart newt at
Wed May 7 11:26:29 EDT 2003

> I'd take the evo, if purely for aesthetics.  But then, you don't get the
> awesome teutonic feeling of a 16 year old Audi with the exciting MMPs.
> (Monthly Mystery Problems)

Agreed, the evo does have a nice look to it, and just seems a little
meatier, though I have yet to see an STI in person. As for the MMP's my
90tq has yet to fail me in that dept. This month it was 2(!) snapped
bolt heads on the altenator bracket for no apparant reason on a trip
back from Chris Semple's. Nothing has ever hit that bracket, or alt, and
nothing was putting undue pressure on it, they just both checked out on
the same trip for some reason. So now I get to tear the front end apart
so I can get enough room around there to drill and extract the bolt's
lower halves still in the block :(

Oh well, I needed the solder a spot on the rad anyway, oh and put the
red fender on so the whole car will be on the same side of the
colorwheel, oh and get the afterrun pump working, oh and, and, and..... :)

'89 90tq

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