Mt Washington

Bob DAmato bob at
Thu May 8 08:44:33 EDT 2003

That kind of sucks though, that was the appeal of that hill climb. I
loved the road the way it was with all its varying surfaces and narrow
turns. If they resurface it, then even if it did come back, Im not sure
Id bother racing it anymore. It was just too much fun the way it was
before. Pavement is for wimps :)

Brett Dikeman wrote:

> Sponsorship wasn't(supposedly) the only problem.  A variety of
> reasons were tendered, including "oh, the lodge burnt down"(what does
> that have to do with the hillclimb?) to the final reason- "we need to
> resurface the road".  It was getting kinda bad in places...very
> narrow and also sides were starting to slope downwards, which could
> be pretty spooky  It still stands as the only road that scares the
> crap out of me driving it, and I've done it three times in our little
> I can see that reason as being legitimate,

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