20vt Header - RS2 EM price

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Sun May 11 02:01:44 EDT 2003

Yup Bob, right now I regret a lot I didn't buy 10 of them last year!!!!
I've checked yesterday, they now cost 622 Euro +VAT in Germany.
I have no idea why the prices have risen so high but it sure is bad!

Mihnea, who's going to hurry Martin to make the EM ;-) C'mon Martin, when
is it coming out? ;-)

At 18:54 10/05/2003 -0400, Bob Rossato wrote:
>Holy cow!  I sure am glad I bought my RS2 EM a year ago.  It was only 471
>Euros (plus 16% VAT) back then from a German Audi dealer, and the $ was much
>stronger at the time so it was only around $415.  Even with VAT it was less
>than $500.  Seems to me that Audi is catching on that there are a lot more
>RS2 EMs being sold than would make sense for the number of RS2s made and
>they're getting greedy.  I can't imagine the price of casting these things
>has more than doubled in a year.

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