85 4kq fuel spillage

gottasix gottasix at netzero.net
Tue May 13 23:17:47 EDT 2003

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hello listers.  I have a fun problem that I believe may be an ongoing issue=
 with my 85 4kq with 114K.  My problem is that I seem to be some how pumpin=
g gas out the filler neck. This is a new one to me.  The other day I put ga=
s in the car , 5 gallons, fuel guage read a little below half (9:00 positio=
n), put the gas cap on and went on my merry way. Noticed a fuel smell.. the=
n again it an 85, did not worry about it.  Well I was minding my business, =
merged onto the expressway, right hand on ramp and at the top of the ramp (=
running about 60mph) I had an A4 all over me waving his hands and flashing =
his lights; well he pulls next to me and says fuel is running out of my car=
.=2E stop the car, still runing, see no fuel problem.. open gas door.. full=
 of fuel.. argh??  Any thoughts??  The gas cap was on properly..
I wonder if this may be related to my occational hesitation problem when th=
e engin is cold.. Thanks in Advance for your thoughts and to the other Audi=
 owner for letting me know, never did get your name...
Jeff in Phila
(1.5) 85 4kq's

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