voltage gauge reading

Mark L. Chang mchang at ee.washington.edu
Thu May 15 17:11:26 EDT 2003

On Thu, May 15, 2003 at 05:34:10PM -0400 or thereabouts, Kent McLean wrote:
> That is so cool.  Mine read 11.9, dropped to 11.8 when
> I revved it, then bumped up to 12.2 and 12.3 before
> soaring to 13.x (no radio, no fan, no lights).
> I think the alternator is OK. I suspect it's due to a non-metric
> belt that wasn't properly tightened, or it stretched and
> loosened. I'm visiting Bruce at AudiConnection on Saturday.
> He's got a new belt for me.  We'll see if that fixes it.
> Here's one for Mark's Wiki Knowledge Base.
> So, what other diagnostic modes does the CC have?
> Is this stuff in the Bentley manual?

Yes, it should be in the bentley.
Yes, it should go in the KnowledgeBase.
Yes, it is already available here: http://20v.org/climate.htm

766: Upstairs neighbour of the Beast.

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