...my audi hates me...

Benjamin Weste Pearre bwpearre at alumni.princeton.edu
Sat May 17 12:45:56 EDT 2003

> > two male spade connectors that are supposed to make the connection
> > were held together with nothing more than OEM-looking shrinkwrap!
> That air intake temp sensor has no removable terminals, it is spot welded
> onto the wires of the harness, with a little rubber booty over the end of
> it.

There were 1/8" male spade "quick-connect" terminals crimped onto the
wiring, and the sensor unit had 1/8" spades coming out of it, and they
were held to each-other with transparent heatshrink.  I assume this
means that it was replaced (though not recently, and I don't have the
record of it).  But I suppose whoever replaced it was gay, and forgot
that homosexuality should be forbidden in electrical connections (even
when there's a little booty using a rubber, etc...).

By the way -- I tried soldering it on, but solder didn't stick, even
after sanding down the connectors.  I'm using decent rosin-core
solder, although I wasn't using really great soldering technique for
fear of damaging the thermistor...  how to get it to stick?

> No, it's not supposed to do that. You have an air leak somewhere in the
> intake path, before the throttle body. Most common place to start looking
> is the michelin man hose between the TB and the intercooler.

Do I ever!  The Michelin Man had a wound that would have killed a
lesser man...  and a bunch of oil inside (my valve cover gasket had
been unhappy but has since been replaced).  Great way to keep the
turbo lubricated.

Also, I finally caught the throttle switch (wot) in the act of not
working properly, so it gets replaced forthwith, and I'll see if that
clears things up.

Mostly this email was just going to be to say: Many many thanks, all!


Ben Pearre          1990 200TQA          http://hebb.mit.edu/~ben

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