Looking for Audi Diesel.
Richard Hoffman
billzcat1 at hotmail.com
Sat May 17 22:36:09 EDT 2003
For the record --- there is an MB diesel 5-cylinder in the local boneyard -
for those considering the swap and trying to remain some vestige of Audiness
Any thoughts on swapping the 2.4L 5-cyl Eurovan diesel? Those are somewhat
rare but considerable less so than perhaps a 2.5L TDI (5 and 6 cyl available
in Europe, same displacement)
Just a few thoughts!
dedicated gasser, tryin to talk parents into TDI VW and biodiesel :)
----- Original Message -----
From: <cobram at juno.com>
To: <brett at cloud9.net>
Cc: <harchris at smokesignal.net>; <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2003 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for Audi Diesel.
> Agree here, and would add, that the ONLY vintage diesels I would consider
> in this case (after all, the target seems to be to save $$$) would be an
> older Rabbit Diesel, or ANY Mercyless Benz Diesel. If you don't like
> rust, I've seen an Audi or two with an MB diesel under the hood. If you
> go to Uruguay (diesel fuel heavily subsidized), you'll see everything
> from Alfa's to Zimmers with Mercedes 190-300 diesel engines stuffed under
> the hood. I saw a nice Audi 200 Wagon last time I was in Montevideo, it
> had a 1987 6 cylinder Mercedes 300TD under the hood, quiet and it moved
> like a bat out of hell.
> I haven't looked very closely, but I think putting an ole rabbit diesel
> engine in an Audi wouldn't take much McGuivering. Won't be able to get
> out of it's own way....but it'll burn the fryolator juice. I think you
> can get used to anything, the Russian Embassy in Guyana recently sold off
> it's "limousine", an MB 126 SEL with a 190 Diesel in it....for those not
> familiar with the 126, this combo is like a Sherman tank with a Briggs
> and Stratton under the hood.
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net> writes:
> >
> > The 5000 diesel was absolutely none of the above, and to boot, it
> > had diesel pump problems. That pump was extremely expensive, and by
> > now guaranteed unobtanium. You would be FAR better off with another VW
> > TDI, at least unit Audi decides TDIs would be a Good
> > Thing(something that MIGHT happen with the A3). Oh, did I mention the
> 5000 diesel
> > was pathetically underpowered?
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