Vikings (NAC)

Michael Riebs / AudiV8 AudiV8 at
Mon May 19 10:32:31 EDT 2003

Yeah - remember Dronning Margrethe I? She ruled over Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Iceland, Faeroe Islands, and Greenland, and parts of the east side of England, as well as Schlesvig-Holstein. That was in 1200-something, right? Yes, some time after the Vikings. Wasn't the "official end of the Viking age" in 1042, with the battle of Hastings?

Denmark to the Elbe!

Michael L. Riebs
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'90 V8Q
'98 A6QA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Per Lindgren" <lindgre at>
To: "Michael Riebs / AudiV8" <audiv8 at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Emergency!!! A fuel line is leaking pretty bad and I have a race pretty soon!!!

> Michael Riebs / AudiV8 wrote:
> >
> >Per, aren't you Swedish? I think you're thinking of what happened to y'all when the DANISH Vikings came to conquer you!
> >
> No way! I'm Norwegian! And we WERE conquered by the Danes for a few
> hundred years, but that was much later than the vikings. And when you
> guys backed out, the Swedes had us for 91 years...
> >
> >
> >As far as I'm aware, Kent is certainly correct. The sinking of the ships - for example in Roskilde Fjord - was an attempt to ensconce (make fortress of) the inlet to the harbor, and prevent the attacking enemy from getting too close.
> >
> That may have been what the Danish vikings used to do, but not here...
> PeL
> 87 Cq

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