Overheating? 5ktq

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Wed May 21 16:00:34 EDT 2003

 "Bill Lockwood" <wlockwoo at zoo.uvm.edu> writes:

> the hose.  Last night the hose end looked a little tired, so I
> snipped it (exposing fresh hose) and reclamped it.  This is where
pressure is
> escaping.        > What have I done?  Is the hose just not tight
enough, or did
> something else

New clamp, the closed "German" type (I like to use Fuel line clamps in
this application) should take care of it if the hose is the correct size.
 Hopefully you have an all metal radiator...if not, well, get ready to
start shopping for one if you're not really careful.

If it's a plastic radiator, and the nipple does break, you can fix it
with a bicycle filler valve and some good epoxy.  It might last, but
since you indicate the fins are in rough shape too, you might just want
to spring for a new radiator....it might be another hot summer.


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