wheel bolts for tapered, not ball, seat
edkellock at juno.com
edkellock at juno.com
Fri May 23 18:08:16 EDT 2003
When I needed some, I was able to buy a set at the local Discount Tire.
I think I paid about $50 for 20 lug bolts.
On Fri, 23 May 2003 16:33:57 -0400 "Brady Moffatt" <bradym at sympatico.ca>
> Hi All,
> Just thought I'd let people know that if you find a 5x112 wheel you
> like for
> your Audi, but it has the more common cone seats instead of the our
> VAG ball
> seats for the lug bolts, all is not lost.
> Volvo S80 bolts fit perfectly. They're a bit longer, but have the
> right
> thread, diameter, etc. They have a 19mm bolt head.
> I have a set on my urq right now. Works great.
> Cheers,
> Brady Moffatt
> Montreal, Quebec, Canada
> 83 UrQuattro with 52,000 miles
> 86 4ksq with 310,000km
> 86 4ksq parts car
> 72 Datsun 240Z with 180,000 miles
> 92 VW Golf with 200,000km FOR SALE
> in middle stages of quattrosis accumulatus
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