V8 auto won't go in gear

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Sat May 24 19:33:53 EDT 2003

At 6:42 PM -0600 5/23/03, Zsolt wrote:

>Naturally they did not use the retaining plates and managed to broke a
>reference pin on the flywheel.
>To get it replaced, they pulled the tranny back to get to the flywheel.
>Now the car starts, but wont go into gear.
>Any thoughts?

Yes- it's not your problem...and it's probably risky to keep talking
to the shop, much less giving them advice- they might turn around and
tell the current owner "well, the PREVIOUS OWNER told us..."

To quote Monty Python, "Run away!  Run awwaaaaaay!"

So far they've managed to break a new item every time they've
approached the car.  Advise the current owner to have the car
flat-bedded to another shop, and to demand from the old shop the cost
of towing the car and setting the transmission right; if they refuse,
go to small claims court.

   I'm assuming the shop did not charge parts nor labor for fixing the
timing pin- if they did, include that in the $ figure.  Make sure the
new shop takes pictures of any damage or monkey-wrenching.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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