Acceptable WOT O2 sensor voltage?
Brady Moffatt
bradym at
Thu May 29 17:39:31 EDT 2003
repost. original got eaten.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brady Moffatt" <bradym at>
To: "urq" <urq at>; "quattro" <quattro at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 6:53 PM
Subject: Acceptable WOT O2 sensor voltage?
> Hi All,
> I'm slowly getting through the minor (I hope) tuning issues on my
> 83 urq.
> To recap the latest progress, I was experiencing a stumble under load in
> and 5th gears. I bought an AF meter, and discovered that I was running
> hence the stumble. So, I cranked to the mixture screw down a bit in a
> unscientific way to see if it would eliminate the stumble. It did, but of
> course my idle mixture is rich. O2 voltage at idle is now 0.85ish V. Way
> rich. No smoke though.
> Anyways, at WOT in any gear up to 4th inclusive, I get a reading of about
> 0.75V on O2 meter. In 5th, at about 4000-4500RPM, it starts to drop off
> slowly down to 0.3V or so. This leads me to believe I'm running out of
> pressure. I'll do those tests this evening.
> My question for now is what is the accepted WOT O2 voltage? I would assume
> it's significantly higher than my 0.75V reading.
> Cheers,
> Brady Moffatt
> Montreal, Quebec, Canada
> 83 UrQuattro with 52,000 miles
> 86 4ksq with 310,000km
> 86 4ksq parts car
> 72 Datsun 240Z with 180,000 miles
> 92 VW Golf with 200,000km FOR SALE
> in middle stages of quattrosis accumulatus
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