No subject

Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

Cutting plexi and other acrylics  - best blades are metal cutting blades of
18 teeth per inch or finer. Go slow, don't let it chatter. Don't use wood
or combination blades as the plexi will chip.

Layout is with pen or pencil if the protective paper is still on, use a
"china marking" pencil if drawing directly on the plexi. Don't scribe lines
in the plexi unless you plan to cut on them.

Drilling plexi is done with a shallower angle TIP on the drill bit than
used with wood or metal - it "scrapes" rather than cuts. Grind the tip
slightly shallower on a used drill bit, and label it "plastics" when done.
Again, don't let it chatter.

Smooth cut edges with a 10 or 12 inch smooth cut file.

Acrylics can be bent cold, minimum radius is 180 times the thickness, so
1/8" plexi can be bent to 22 inches radius curves. If formed hot, sharper
bends are definitely possible. You may want to consider heat forming if you
have any bends because cold-bent plexi is under continuous stress and may
spontaneously crack in cold weather.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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