URQ parts for sale

texactii at csonline.net texactii at csonline.net
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

Thanks to LL - NY also for this explanation below.  Tex. 
01 1551hrs.
the UrQ is the original Coupe based Turbo Quattro. Looks like 
an Audi
Coupe on Steroids (massive box style flares (same basic style
as the
copycat Porsche 944, and copy, copy cat later Gen2 Mazda 
RX7 and then a
whole bunch of others), body colored and faired in bumpers (at
least the
Euro models had these). Not too much interchangable with your
Type 43 
5000, except I think the basic engine (is yours a 2.1 liter? No
Intercooler?). The UrQ had a somewhat related engine to 
yours, but it ran
more boost, and intercooler and I believe the original vestiges 
of an
after-run turbo cooling system designed to prolong the life of 
the turbo
after engine shut down. 

HTH! (hope that helps)


On Sat, 17 Feb 101 00:24:32 -0600 (CST) texactii at csonline.net 
>Rob wrote: "selling stock parts from 83 URQ".  I have an 83

>5000 Turbo 4 door automatic.  Can any one advise if parts 
>might be interchagable? I have only owned a 75 100LS 
>automatic 4 cyl fuel inj. gas 4 door and now this 5 cyl gas 
>turbo.  I am not familiar wth a "URQ".  I have been reading 
>this list to learn, so any info will be appreciated.  Thanks, 
>Tex. 2/17/01 12:23am EST.

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