[recommendations on orbital buffer/polisher]

Greg Rich greg4vwparts at usa.net
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

You want to buy one that actually rotates, not oscillates! Similar to a disc
sander, but low RPM (1000)Buy the B&D or Porter Cable, should cost around
$80-100 US, get a 6 or 7" bonnet, and some good polish-not the stuff at your
average auto parts store, you will have to go to a paint shop. I recommend the
Meguliars kit, a box with 6 or more bottles of waxes/polishes and it costs
$60US, it will last forever, enough to do at least 12 cars with badly faded
Happy waxing

 lee at wheelman.com (Lee M. Levitt) wrote:
I'm thinking about picking up an orbital polisher for use on my two
Audis...does anyone have experience with the Porter Cables, Black & Decker
or Sears units? Is a larger pad size good or bad? They range from 5-8" or

The green metallic paint on the S6 needs a good detailing...to take out a
little oxidization and scratches...the pearl on the A6 is in much better
shape...but also needs a good general cleaning.

What's the best goop to use on paint in this condition?

Thoughts appreciated.

'95.5 S6 avant
'96 As quattro avant

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