Burning Antifreeze

Brandon Handy bhandy at mdsiphysicians.com
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

I recently had to replace the entire exaust system on my 1993 Quattro 90 and found that my car was emitting white smoke just before and after the repair took place.  My Audi Mechanic told me that it was possible that the smoke came from burning Antifreeze which also ruins catalytic converters and mufflers.  This could have been the reason why the entire exaust system went bad at just 85K.  Burning antifreeze in my experience points to a bad head gasket or a cracked cylinder head.  I know that if it is a head problem then things get expensive real fast.  As it is, the new exaust system was a bargain of an aftermarket job done with Porsche turbo parts at about $700 labor free.  Any advice, or anyone else with the same experience from a 93 Quattro 90.  As a side note Audi also has a recall on all model 90 mufflers from 1991 to 1993.  Just my luck this didn't include Quattro's. 
Brandon Handy
Physician Recruiter
1-800-548-9092 X# 30

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