trouble starting in '86 5kcstq (HELP! More problems!!!)

Luke Jackson 8peaches at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

I really don't know what to do now.  I installed a new check valve in the f=
uel pump.  I went to start and now i have to floor the gas just to keep the=
 engine alive, it won't idle.  If i let off on the gas, it will die and i w=
ill have to wait 10 min or so to have another successful attempt.  I don't =
know if there is just a lot of air in the system or something, but this is =
really killing me!!  I have tried keeping it going for as long as i can (5 =
min or so) but it still dies when i let off the gas.  I would appreciate an=
y suggestions, especially from those who mailed me previously regarding thi=
s, TIA!

Luke J
'86 5kcstq 128k
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