CV joint noise

texactii at texactii at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

On 3/30/02 Andrew wrote: "Could be CV joint startng to
go......My mechanic says it doesn't really have to be replaced
until it starts vibrating." This is what someone told my wife,
about the same symptoms on our 1983 5kt sedan - clicking
noise in wheel when making turns, so she kept driving the car
while I was out of town.  A few days later she called me
to say that some steel balls rolled out on the road as she
came to a stop.  She had the car towed, and CV joint
replaced.  Luckly she did not get hurt.  Get the repair done
before there is a bad accident.

Tex Terry, II
83 5kt sedan (non-quattro)
Franklin, PA USA

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