No subject

Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

the case it should be easy to find.  Usually when a hose just splits
it only leaks under pressure - the car will start but with much throttle
it runs real bad because most of the air measured by the MAF is being
blown out through the split hose and it then runs super rich until you
take your foot off the gas.

It's also possible the intercooler has ruptured or an end has blown off.
This is real uncommon, so look for a loose hose first.

    - Charlie

  Charlie Smith   charlie at  614-471-1418      Columbus Ohio   USA     photos & technical info

  95 S6 Quattro  -  24 PSI, RS2 6 speed, and other features
  96 Dodge Ram   -  30 PSI, w/Cummins turbo diesel

> A few
> minutes later I've pulled the codes and got the following:
> 2342 O2 sensor ...air leak at the MAF, Ignition system component failure,
> etc...
> 2341 O2 control limit exceeded, intake or exhaust leak, efective ignition
> component, intake air leak after the MAF, etc...
> 2113 Hall sensor
> 2111 RPM sensor (normal because the engine didn't start, IMHO)
> 2121 Idle switch (IMHO it seemed to be okay as it DID do the clicks when
> opening and closing the throttle body)
> Any ideas anyone? I think I've busted a pressure hose as would seem to
> confirm code 2341 but what does the Hall sensor have to do with all this? I
> hope it's not case it is toast, can I use a NA 5 cylinder Hall
> Sensor in the 3B's distributor? What does oil inside the dizzy mean? Bad seal?
> As always, thanks in advance for your answers and much appreciated help, I
> need help pretty urgently as I'd need to drive the car before my coupe
> quattro has its suspension rebuilt....
> Regards from Belgium,
> Mihnea

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