Saab APC + turbo I5 ?s

Marc Swanson mswanson at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

> I was just looking into this the other day, the only
> percievable problem is that it works the opposite of
> the Audi WGFV.  It's designed for internal wastegate
> turbos, so it adds pressure to reduce boost vs. adding
> pressure to add boost like on our cars.  You should be
> able to hook the Saab frequency valve to the lower
> wastegate hose to have the same effect, You probably
> will have to have the stock wg spring in place.

Right, exactly.  The APC unit is designed to interface with the lower
wastegate hose.  It doesn't matter that the saab uses an integral
wastegate turbo since the valve works by CLOSING in order to increase
boost and opening to reduce it.

> I'm
> not too worried about hooking it up, I can just make a
> quick adjustment with either the trim knob or the
> laptop if I'm getting knock:)  I am curiouse to see if
> it would work though.

Yeah, guess I will find out!  Someone did mention to me that they had a
friend that hooked it up on a BMW with a 6 cylinder engine and it gave
him about 14 psi of boost which is about right.  The other nice thing
about going this route over a mongus spring is it puts less pressure on
the wastegate diaphram.

Looks like a trip to the scrapyard is in my future.... ;-)


Marc Swanson, Software Engineer
Sonitrol Communications Corp.
Hartford, CT

Email: mswanson at
Phone: (860) 616-7036
Pager: (860) 948-6713
 Cell: (603) 512-1267
  Fax: (860) 616-7589

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