thermo-time switch location 87 4kq

Luke Rickert lr at
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

I have figured out that I was all confused about what temp sensors are where, finally I have established that the one on top of inlet flange is for the gage, the one on the bottom is the NTC sensor and I think the one bolted off the valve cover at the back of the engine is for the afterrun fan. The sensor in bottom of the radiator is for the main fan control. these all match the wiring diagram anyway

But where is the Thermo time switch that the manual talks about? Does this car even have one? I think I have spotted all of the sensors on the engine, but there are none with red/black and green/white wires coming out of them? Bowwow is going to sell me one for $68, but I want to find it before going out there make sure the one I have is bad.



Luke Rickert
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