No subject
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003
I went and bought a 1/2" torque wrench from a place in Kitchener called
"Princess Auto", it cost something like $35cdn and has a ratchet end. To
make sure I used a snap-on to test the accuracy against and it was right on
at 100ft/lbs. It has no warrenty but at that price........
So there are deals out there :-) Besides, I don't use every single day
David Templeton
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
> Behalf Of tihol_tiholov at
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 2:47 PM
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Snap-on no guarantee? (NAC)
> This is a question and a mild rant:
> A local Snap-on rep told me yesterday that there is no
> life-time guarantee
> on torque wrenches, particularly the part that sets and
> maintains specific
> torque. If used as a 2 way breaker bar - oh, yeah, that's guaranteed.
> Now, that maybe so but it's funny nowadays since Canadian Tire gives
> life-time guarantee on their torque wrenches (I asked specifically
> yesterday) in full. I also have a Husky piece, for which I
> was promissed
> life-time guarantee - haven't tried it yet, it still works. I haven't
> heard from Snap-on yet, that's why I'd like to ask if anyone
> knows or has
> used such guarantee from Snap-on or Husky.
> Greetings,
> Tihol
> BTW, he wanted $125 CDN for repair and I left him the wrench, since I
> didn't ask in advance about costs thinking it was covered for
> life. A new
> Canadian Tire one costs $92.
Message: 5
Subject: Looking For: BMW Part Number for UrQ Bomb Replacement
To: quattro at
From: robert_a_dupree at
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 14:20:34 -0600
Anyone happen to know which BMW part numbers are viable replacement for
the UrQ bomb?
Rumor had it the 5/6/7 series bimmers were all viable. Just looking for a
part number, or specific BMW model/year to give to my parts guy.
Rob Dupree
84 UrQ
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Message: 6
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 15:16:58 -0500
To: tigran at
From: David Conner <conner at>
Subject: Saga Continues - fuel pump
Cc: quattro at
If it was me I'd rather have a used Bosch than the new generic. Could you
get a refund on the purchase of that generic piece of crap fuel pump?
Even though "electric parts not refundable" ... given that it doesn't even
fit maybe you have a chance.
You could buy a Bosch, the real thing, for like $180 from a number of
sources. Or a used one for like $50 ... try Force 5 (see the Q-list vendor
listings). Actually the dealer price of $210 is lower than I would have
Dave C.
Message: 7
From: "John Larson" <j.d.larson at>
To: <quattro at>
Subject: Type 44 fuel pumps
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:43:15 -0800
Just installed a Pierburg pump in an 86 5KTQ. Fit is easy, comes with
complete instructions, and is unbelievably quiet, as opposed to recent
reports of problems with the Bosch units. I'm sure the Worldpac outlets so
prominent today will be able to supply them for anyone interested. They're
about the same price, who;esale, but of course the reatil may vary from
place to place. We'll have to see about the longevity ........... John
Message: 8
From: "Tigran Varosyan" <tigran at>
To: <quattro at>
Subject: RE: re. The saga continues...(was sorting out your 4kq)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:58:46 -0800
Hey Ben. Thanks a ton for the offer. I just got back from a parts store and
I think I found what I need. A banjo to barb fitting. Going to go try to put
it on in a minute.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Swann [mailto:bswann at]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 11:43 AM
To: 'tigran at'
Cc: 'quattro at'; 'benswann at'
Subject: re. The saga continues...(was sorting out your 4kq)
[tigran at paraphrased "Go to Schucks website, they have one for
$140, lifetime warranty and
there is one at the warehouse within driving distance. Picked it up, it
looks hardly anything like my pump. Instead of barbed ends it has threads
and the "out" port has threads and holes on the side as if it was made for
an i-bolt type setup, however there is absolutely no space for an i-bolt
because the power terminals are like 2mm away... Ether way tried to hook up
the lines to it. The intake side worked well enough, the "out" side did
Even with the hose tightly around the port, the holes have enough pressure
to spray like crazy everywhere".
"try and find some sort of an adaptor to fit that funky
threaded end to a barbed fitting"...]
Just trying to help make sure your 4kq matters don't get worse.
My understanding is that you think it is the fuel pump. Also, there seems
to be some question as to whether you had the correct pump to begin with (
you said it had barb fitting) and whether you have the correct replacement
pump(threaded banjo fitting with cap nut). It sounds to me like someone
may have installed the wrong pump before. The correct one is the one with
Banjo fitting that you just bought. So for $140 even if it the one on
there now is not bad, at this point go ahead and replace it.
p.s. I can overnight the correct fittings to you if need be - you are
looking for a banjo fitting with cap screw.
Message: 9
From: "Tigran Varosyan" <tigran at>
To: <quattro at>
Subject: RE: Saga Continues - fuel pump
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 13:02:47 -0800
David, I would much rather get the right pump but I am on a real time
pressure here... I called everywhere local to find one. A dealer 115 miles
away has one for $210... Take me all day and likely $20 in gas (for the POS
i have on loan now) to get there. I know I could return my generic, when I
bought it I was like "This looks nothing like my old one, if it does not fit
im going to bring it back" they they said ok. I just got the fitting for the
pump, Im gong to go try it in a minute. If it works, we will call it good...
-----Original Message-----
From: David Conner [mailto:conner at]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 12:17 PM
To: tigran at
Cc: quattro at
Subject: Saga Continues - fuel pump
If it was me I'd rather have a used Bosch than the new generic. Could you
get a refund on the purchase of that generic piece of crap fuel pump?
Even though "electric parts not refundable" ... given that it doesn't even
fit maybe you have a chance.
You could buy a Bosch, the real thing, for like $180 from a number of
sources. Or a used one for like $50 ... try Force 5 (see the Q-list vendor
listings). Actually the dealer price of $210 is lower than I would have
Dave C.
Message: 10
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 16:03:03 -0500
To: quattro at
From: George Selby <gselby4x4 at>
Subject: Re: Removal of clutch slave cyl
At 03:01 PM 11/26/02, you wrote:
>Personally, and this is just me, I would drop the tranny to get good access
>to the pin before dropping $200 to have someone else do it.
It's not just you. I did it in fact (but not on purpose!) My former 87
CGT had to have the clutch slave replaced, and I didn't see the roll pin
holding the clutch slave in, so I dropped the tranny, thinking that
whatever was holding the clutch slave in was inside the bellhousing. I was
quite pissed when I discovered the roll pin once the tranny was out. Mine
came out quite easily, and the clutch slave came out easy, too (may have
helped that when the tranny is out you can whack the clutch slave with a
This experience was helpful, however, because my current Audi CGT was
picked up cheap due to a broken spring on the clutch release bearing holder
(I don't think they replaced the release bearing when they put in a new
clutch. This CGT has a cable clutch release, however) So I got the car
for less than the price of a new clutch!
George Selby
83 Audi Coupe GT
gselby4x4 at
George Selby
70 F-100 Ranger XLT 460 C6
78 F-150 4x4 400 4 spd
85 Dodge W-150 4x4 340 TF727
83 Audi Coupe GT
86 Nissan 300ZX
85 Chrysler 5th Avenue
gselby4x4 at
Message: 11
To: quattro at
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 17:14:38 -0400
Subject: double flaring tool kit
From: george mills <gamills3 at>
Check it out at:
# 2990245 - price seems right.
There's an outlet sorta close by but I don't know if I'll have the time
to bop over there to check it out. Anybody have this particular item that
might comment on the quality? I need one and was asked to make a list as
apparently there is some sorta gift giving season coming up : )
Sorry if the addy gets truncated in transmission.
Best regards,
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Message: 12
From: "Duncan Thomson" <duncan at>
To: "Livolsi, Stephane" <Stephane.Livolsi at>,
"Audi Quattro List" <quattro at>
Subject: Re: Removal of clutch slave cyl
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 10:17:37 +1300
I'd like to add a "me too" to this response, my slave was somewhat
reluctant to budge, and I couldn't even see which parts to hit with it
in place.
Roll pin came out in place, but this was with the subframe and half
shafts out as I was also doing the clutch...
I could *possibly* do it all in place now that I know exactly where to
hit it, but i would never have managed it first time out...
best of luck
> Personally, and this is just me, I would drop the tranny to get good
> to the pin before dropping $200 to have someone else do it.
> Having just done the clutch slave, along with the clutch in my 86
5ktq, I am
> certain that I would not have been able to get the slave out if the
> hadn't been dropped for the clutch job.
> Good luck
Message: 13
From: "Tigran Varosyan" <tigran at>
To: <quattro at>
Subject: I think I found the problem, now what? (WAS: New member with bad problem)
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 13:43:37 -0800
Today I got the fitting for the new fuel pump and it now fits very well.
I followed the instructions which many suggested.
Removed an injector from the car and put it into a bottle.
Put the car in the "On" position.
Turned on fuel pump manually.
Tried to move the sensor plate up and down.
The plate which moved freely and easily before got VERY stiff. It would come
up about 2 mm without a problem but then got too stiff for me to lift with
my fingers. At that point I saw the injector activate. The spray pattern was
like in those STP TV commercials, "this is what a dirty injector looks
like". Ether way, there was fuel coming out of it so that's all I care about
at this point. Since I have the air box lose right now I put my hand under
the plate to see just how stiff it is. With some pressure I was able to lift
it. The flow went up a little bit but as the plate got higher (almost to the
top of its travel) the flow stopped completely. I lowered the plate down
(there was still considerable force pushing it down) and the flow did not
resume. This explains the problems I have been having 100%. The engine
idling more or less ok but once I pushed the gas it would die even if I
would let go soon after. Does it also explain why my pump fired?
Ether way I turned off the car (put the key in the "off" position, the car
was never "running") and tuned off the pump. After waiting about a minute or
so I felt the sensor plate again. It was a bit softer than before but still
very stiff. I decided to experiment and began to remove the thing on the
front of the fuel distributor (it is referred to by many names, I think its
a pressure controller of some sort) that is held in by 2 flat-head screws
and has a 2-wire harness going to it. Fuel came spraying out like never
before! The plate became free moving again... I screwed the gray thing back
on and tried to start the car. It sputtered a few times but did not want to
Ok, Huw, others who know this system. Tell me what to do. I will do it. I
*THINK* the problem is with that gray 2-bolt part not controling the
pressure right. There is a 2 wire connection going to it. How do I test it?
What is my problem?
Message: 14
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 17:11:12 -0500
From: JShadzi at
To: dupree at ("Dupree, Jim"), jeg1976 at,
quattro at
Subject: RE: CIS fuel pumps, how much HP?
BTDT many times on Audi applications with 2 pumps, never any problem you de=
scribe, though I could see how it can happen.
>I would add one caveat. You can get too much fuel volume for your fuel
>pressure regulator to handle at idle. Since the engine does not use much
>fuel at idle most of what your pumps will be doing is recirculation the fu=
>through the system and back to the tank. We ran into this on a 911 turbo
>project car (428 hp on an engine dyno). MoTec fuel/ignition running 2 fuel
>pumps to insure enough fuel under full load at high rpm. The fuel pressure
>would creep up at idle causing and overly rich condition. We had to add a
>second pressure regulator and return line to control it. Maybe we went a
>little over board on fuel pump sizes but we never had a lack of fuel.
>1984 4kq
>1985 4kq
>-----Original Message-----
>From: JShadzi at [mailto:JShadzi at]
>Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 11:28 AM
>To: jeg1976 at; quattro at
>Subject: Re: CIS fuel pumps, how much HP?
>IME, the CIS3 pump is good to 400hp safely, I just replaced my 15 year old
>CIS3 pump recently because I was getting some fuel cut out at 20psi and ra=
>gas (350+hp I'd say no problem, considering I have about 300 at 15psi),
>swapping in a S. African CIS truck (Eurovan) pump seemed to do the trick,
>its the same diameter as the CIS3 pump, but 1" longer, a real hog, got it =
>Eurospec a way back, no more cutting out.
>Anyway, you can't go wrong with 2 pumps, maybe a little overkill for 350hp,
>just keep an eye on your fuel pressure, if it drops at max power, you know
>you need more pump.
>>In preparation for some obscene HP, I've been
>>wondering how much HP the CIS-III fuel pumps are good
>>for? =A0I'm planning on trying for 350 hp after the
>>header and new IM go in. =A0Should I pipe in a second
>>pump in parallel just to be safe? =A0It's already
>>sitting right there from the first stage of the
>>project. =A0As far as the header goes, it just went to a
>>new welder as the first one was just to backed up to
>>do it anytime soon. =A0He said maybe Friday! =A0I can't
>>wait to get my car back..
>>Jim Green
>>'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5
>>Do you Yahoo!?
>>Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
Message: 15
Reply-To: "Lino M. Valadas" <l.valadas at>
From: "Lino M. Valadas" <l.valadas at>
To: <quattro at>, "Larry C Leung" <l.leung at>
Subject: Re: Idle problem, '89 200 TQ MC2
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 17:27:29 -0500
Similar problem on mine.
Here what I did:
Opened up the WOT switch very carefully with an exacto knife and still cut
the palm of my left hand :-(
Anyway, re-soldered all solder points (4). High idling problem gone.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry C Leung" <l.leung at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: Idle problem, '89 200 TQ MC2
> Hello List;
> My '89 200Q, MC2, chipped seems to be idling rather high, even when
> totally warm. It idles about 1200+ RPM even if I blip the throttle.
> I checked the Bentley, but have not had the time to do the whole
> set of tests with the ammeter, and come to think of it, I'm not even
> sure if my ammeter can handle 2 A.
> Anyway, I tried unplugging the ISV with a fully warm engine and the idle
> dropped to an appropriate 850 RPM.
> When I plugged the ISV back in, it remained at 850, even after blipping
> the throttle.
> As an aside, I recently replaced the engine grounds, which seemed to
> help the engine running significantly, but seems to coincide with the
> high idle.
> Is my ISV shot, or is there likely a different problem?
> TIA,
> LL - NY
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