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Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

had extreme pressure additives that would attack VW/Audi syncro rings.
At least they would attack the early non moly coated rings, exactly
when the switch in what model lines, who knows, and I guess they would
hypothetically attack even the later as the moly coat wore off.  Some
more perspectives, I have a factory ZF limited slip in my '77 bus, in
order to use such I had to switch to a GL5 oil, Chris Weddle of VW
transaxle fame told me basically with the GL5 dino oils he would see
factory bus syncros last only 150kish miles instead of 250kish, now
that is nearly a 50% reduction in useable life but...  Next bit is that
I had a boatload of GL5 rated Redline 75W90NS from an american car
project and the tech rep at Redline told me basically that all their
oils were so stable that I could easily use it in whatever VW tranny I
wanted, he about came out and said that there was no real difference
between MT90 and the 75W90NS but stopped short of saying so.  Now on my
old quantum syncro I did use GL5 rated Synthoil synthetic, and about
10k after the change the tranny started an occasional howl.  But when I
initially bought the car it only had about 2.5 qts of oil in it and
furthermore after I sold it the car aquired another 120k miles with the
thing howling eventually all day long.

This is all ancedotal of course, I tend to use the Redline MT90 as it
is reasonably priced compared to VW/Audi factory synthetic, and I love
what it will do for a balky gearbox.  It is availble from numerous
sources on the web shipped to you door for $7-$15/qt depending who you
get it from.  For me it wouldn't pay to try the AMSOIL when I could
just mail order stuff that is known to be safe for the same $$

janders1 at

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