loping idle on 86 4K

George Nimmer george164 at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

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Jesse, I don't think it's the O2 sensor.  I just replaced the O2 sensor
in my '85 4kq - it must have been the original one it was so crusty (and
I have 160k on the car).  Anyhow, my car idles TOO low when I first
start it from cold.  It idles around 500 rpm (very rough) but drives
fine when you give it some gas.  After it warms up, it idles around
1200-1400 like yours does.  I've played with all the vacuum hoses
without any luck but I'm still trying to figure it out myself.

1985 4000Q - 160k
1984 4000Q - 238k [girlfriend's car - not really mine, but I of course
get to  do all the work on it!]

> From: "jesse" <clerick44 at earthlink.net>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: loping idle on 86 4K
> Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 22:38:46 -0800
>     I have been trying to settle the idle down on my 4K... but to no
> Redid the vaccuum lines, at least those that i could be sure of.  I
> that the O2 sensor is gone to crap and lord knows what other sensors.
>     When i start the car from cold, it idles @ 800+/-, but when it
warms up
> a bit it starts to idle at 1200-1400. I can hear the RPM's rise a bit
> drop, over and over. Could this be the O2 sensor?  Or should i look
> elsewhere?  The ISV seems nice and clean, and worked good before the
> transplant.

George Nimmer <george164(at)earthlink.net>
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