No subject

Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

I missed a previous post...So the front end should cost you _that_ much...could
it?  I'd try to see if any listers are close enough to go look at it.


89 90q  300km+ Rally Conversion...
Roll cage shots available at:

Quoting "Joel A. Frahm" <frahm at jilau1.Colorado.EDU>:

> Thanks for all the replies.  I'm not sure yet how to proceed.
> Some background, for those who missed my first post:
> The car is in Ouray, Colorado, 300 miles or seven hours away from me in
> Boulder, CO. I slid off a trecherous mountain road and a rock damaged the
> right front of the car.  The car was towed to a shop in Ouray and I
> currently owe a towing bill of $75.  Storage will probably cost me nothing
> as long as it's not sitting there too long.
> The right front wheel is now pressed back against the wheelwell.  I
> couldn't further examine the damage due to the dangerous situation on the
> side of a narrow mountain road, and I had gotten a ride out of there
> before the tow truck could get the car so I have not seen underneath.
> My options at this point are:
> Have a yard pick the car up
>   I probably get nothing, maybe they pay my towing bill?
> Go and get the car, take it to a yard myself
>   No idea what I might get for it then, $250?  Probably not worth the
>   trouble.
> Get the car out of there, take some valuable parts off of it myself, junk
> the rest.
>   This would require more time, but I might get a few hundred for easy to
>   remove items such as lights, seats, steering wheel, console,
>   wheels/tires.  I could throw all thas crap in my van and haul it back
>   home.  I would probably not get much for the body and driveline though,
>   and I would need to get a decent amount for the parts I remove to make
>   it worth the time and trouble.
> The upside, at least, is that I can shop for another Q.  That's always
> fun.
> -Joel.
> --
> Joel Frahm <frahm at>
> University of Colorado, JILA

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