No subject
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003
Coke is a water based solution of which some components (i.e. sugars) will =
precipitate out as the water is evaporated. Not exactly where or how tenaci=
ous the precipitate will be, however since a number of parts that oil circu=
lates to get very hot, consider the substance known as Caramel.... and ther=
e is little excess water to attempt to wash it away (oil won't do it, try c=
leaning a caramelized pot with hot oil...). Also, the degree of acidity of =
one can of Coke is limited in light of the disolution byproducts of oil con=
taminants in the condensation of the oil that already occurs everytime an A=
udi (mAC) and other auto engine is shutdown. It is for that reason (not par=
ticulates as much) that has us changing oil at whatever interval that we do=
. Cars that run the oil hot enough to boil off the water and never get cold=
(STATE police cruisers, for example) can have extremely extended oil chang=
es for precisely this reason.
As for ATF, it is a lubricant, and it has ALOT of detergents. I had a colle=
ge roomate try ATF in his 2.8 liter Chevy Camaro to stop lifter noise, per =
a mechanic he took it to. He ran it about 1K miles, drained and replaced wi=
th proper oil. The noise went away. Not that I'm likely
to ever do that, ATF has comparatively little viscocity compared to motor o=
il, so bearing protection is rather compromised.
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