Hood Vents

Marc Swanson mswanson at sonitrol.net
Thu Nov 20 12:05:17 EST 2003

> I'm looking at taking two hoods and overlaying to make something like
> that - granted there'd be a weight penalty.

interesting idea.  One benefit of the added heft would be more impact
dampening in the event of a frontal crash..

> Mark,  how much did this end up costing

you sure you really want to know? :-)

Just to get the hood to my door was around $800.  Plus $750 in paint and
bodywork (I don't do body work...)

>  - it's fiberglass right?

yes.  VERY light.

> Source?

I bought it as part of a group purchase a while back.  They came from
SGI in germany: http://www.sgi-online.de/b2_front02.shtml

more details on my site here:


87' 4ktq
88' 90q

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