Back on the list

Andrew Duane andrew at
Fri Nov 21 09:03:15 EST 2003

After a small hiatus, I am back on the list, having landed at a new company.

Unfortunately, I believe my stay here will be short.  I can no longer keep
my Audi, due to it's being the absolute worst piece of sheet metal ever
put on four wheel, and having no support whatsoever from either my dealer
(who is as we speak making attempt number *5* to install a working radio,
this time after I told them how to do it - Thanks Ti!!!), or from Audi
of America who assured me it was completely normal for a 2.5 year old car
with 52K to eat it's water pump and timing belt and destroy the engine.
Oh, and since your car is out of warranty...........

Sorry for the rant, but I'm sitting at this poor excuse for a dealer now,
waiting for them to even pull my car in for the promised 10 minute fix.

Audi should be embarrassed to have their names on this stuff they turn
out now, Those of you that know me know I've been a loyal Audi owner since
my '89 100Q which is still on the road at > 350K miles.


Andrew Duane		Member Technical Staff - ATG
SavaJe Technologies	p: 978.256.6521
100 Apollo Drive	f: 978.256.8386
Chelmsford, MA 01824

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