80tq: Blown Engine

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Sun Nov 23 13:41:33 EST 2003

Sorry to hear about that Javad, what post-turbine EGTs were you running 

I'd say it's very similar to what happened to my friend running a K26/27/29 
on an RS2 EM at 480+ crank HP, his A/F ratios were perfect and so was 
power, but his EGTs exceeded 1000 degree C after the turbine and he melted 
a valve...



At 13:36 23/11/2003 -0500, JShadzi at aol.com wrote:
>Well, it was bound to happen at some point =)
>It happened the first day of the second session at the Audi Club Nationals at
>Sears Point racetrack.  I was coming out of the "Carousel", turn 6 for those
>of you familiar with the track, accelerating pretty hard (around 4500rpm)
>coming out of the exit, when I lost power, I upshifted, still no power, 
>heard a
>metallic rattling, white smoke out the back, and I shut it off and pulled 
>Here is what the #1 spark plug looks like, careful for the faint of heart, it
>isn't pretty:
>The engine is still aligned, timing belt in tact, so it wasn't an
>interference issue.  All other plugs look ok, so I think its probably a 
>dropped valve or
>somthing similar in the #1.  The engine still turns over smoothly.  I'll have
>the head off today probably to get a better look at it, I'll keep everyone
>Car was running very strong to say the least, a/f ratios were spot on (went
>the the dyno the week before the get it all baselined).
>If anything, this accelerated me into the 20v project, so no real biggy, the
>engine was already at the machine shop thankfully, so maybe by Jan/Feb I
>should have it back on the road.
>I'm very interested to see the mode of failure, always good info to have.
>Fun Stuff,
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at audifans.com

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