1989 100 Auto Transmission questions

SuffolkD at aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Mon Nov 24 02:03:42 EST 2003

My mom's 1986 5000S did this, because 2nd gear wasn't available.
I suspect a valve in the transmission is stuck or gummed up.  Worse when COLD.

Maybe the Bernie type repair of seal conditioner would be the answer?
What's the mileage?

I used to go from 1st to 3rd (in the 5000S) at 30MPH and lift throttle to 
save 3rd gear.
Sounds like transmisson shop time.  I suspect the whole tranny needs NOT to 
be repaired, it should be daignosable from the VAG comput as published in the 
Bentley manual. 1986 too basic - no diagnositics.......................yours 
may be dianostic compatible.

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