Tire chains - 87-5KCSQT

David Balbirona dbalbirona at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 25 02:50:49 EST 2003

Question for everyone out there:

I will be heading out over the local snowy pass this weekend and want to 
know Is there a favored type of tire chains for my '87 5000Q?  I can get 
either cable or standard chain.  Currently Costco has a reasonable price on 
a set of 2 chains that are the correct size for my tire.  I don't anticipate 
using the chains very much but it would be nice to know that I have the best 
of options available when necessary.  Would it be best to have all 4 wheels 
chained?  Just the front/back?

On a related note, my differentials do not currently lock (the vacuum hose 
will not stay on the connector) - not sure how thiis will affect things.  I 
have rigged it in the past but that appears to only have been a temporary 

Thanks in advance for all the help.

--David Balbirona
Renton, WA

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