Random engine thoughts and stuff

Alan Pritchard apritchard at seaeye.com
Tue Nov 25 10:06:37 EST 2003

I guess your talking about the small clunk as the wishbone moves slightly
forwards/backwards? Well I made my own set... and didn't really think about
it, the wishbone could move a good few millimetres.... So next day I made
the shims... depending on thickness I guess, if they need to be too thin
then they are going to get destroyed...maybe use something like
polypropylene which has a bit more give, or even metal washers. Should be ok
with lots of grease!!!!! It was the constant squeek of the delrin that did
me in!!! my pu ones I have on my 90q just creak!!! Which is probably
 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Jim Green [mailto:jeg1976 at yahoo.com] 
Sent:	25 November 2003 14:44
To:	Alan Pritchard; Quattro list
Subject:	RE: Random engine thoughts and stuff

--- Alan Pritchard <apritchard at seaeye.com> wrote:
> Hi jim, talking about delrin bushings. I had a
> similar problem with my set
> on my deceased coupe. I found the best way was to
> shim them with thin
> washers made from delrin

I had that same thought this morning.  Did it hold up?
 It seems like those small washers would take a hefty
beating which might cause them to shatter.  If they
worked well, I may try that this summer.

Jim Green
'89 80q slow
'89 90tq fast, really fast

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