Type-44: pressing hub into front wheel bearing

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Wed Nov 26 10:45:04 EST 2003

My apologies Ameer, I misunderstood. I too have wondered about how
useful those snap rings are.

As for the question at hand, when I had mine done, it was pressed in
until it wouldn't go no more.  I'm pretty sure there is a little
shoulder machined into the hub that the inner race seats up against.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric_R_Kissell at whirlpool.com 
> [mailto:Eric_R_Kissell at whirlpool.com] 
> Sent: November 26, 2003 6:23 AM
> To: Livolsi, Stephane; antar at comcast.net
> Subject: RE: Type-44: pressing hub into front wheel bearing
> But he asked about pressing the hub into the bearing once the 
> bearing is already pressed into the housing. The snap rings 
> are on both sides of the bearing, not the hub.
> Ameer, IME once you press in the hub you cannot remove it 
> without destroying the bearing so don't forget the second 
> snap ring before you press the hub into the bearing because. 
> BTDT. I continue to run it that way without a snap ring and I 
> have no problems. I check it periodically and it has not 
> moved at all, but I always wonder how much factor of safety I 
> am losing without that snap ring in there.  That bearing 
> presses in so tight that the snap ring cannot actually be doing much.
> Eric Kissell
> 1991 200q 20v Avant, Koni Sports (yellow), eBay Surprise
> 1989 200q 10v Avant, Boge Turbogas, 1.8 Bar (qlcc)
> 1986 5000cstq Sedan, Bilsteins, 1.8 Bar (SJM)
>                       "Livolsi, Stephane"                     
>                       <Stephane.Livolsi at investor        To:   
>     "Audi Quattro List" <quattro at audifans.com>            
>                       sgroup.com>                       cc:   
>                       Sent by:                          
> Subject:  RE: Type-44: pressing hub into front wheel bearing    
>                       quattro-bounces at audifans.c              
>                       om                                      
>                       11/26/2003 12:55 AM                     
> Hi Ameer.  I just did a rear one on my type 44 and I think it 
> is similar to the fronts.  There should be a snap ring in a 
> groove in the hub.  The bearing gets pressed in until it's 
> snug up against the snap ring, then the second snap ring can 
> be put in.  Like I said, this was on the rear, but I am quite 
> certain the front is the same.
> Stephane
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ameer Antar [mailto:antar at comcast.net]
> > Sent: November 25, 2003 7:08 PM
> > To: Quattro List
> > Subject: Type-44: pressing hub into front wheel bearing
> >
> >
> > Can someone tell me how far to press the wheel hub into the front 
> > wheel bearing? I assume it should go in until the edge of the inner 
> > part of the hub is flush w/ the inner race of the bearing, 
> but want to 
> > be sure. Or should I have it pressed in a little bit less than that 
> > position and use the driveshaft nut to press the hub in the rest of 
> > the way? TIA.
> >
> > -Ameer
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